購物滿港幣$150蚊免運費 (只限香港) 其他地區購物滿港幣$3000免運費 (只限普通郵遞)


香港﹑澳門及中國內地購物滿HK$150及於境內送貨,即可免費享標準送貨服務。於晚上6時前完成訂購及付款,最快更享翌日安排送貨 (不適用於星期六、日及公眾假期)。

工商區及非工商區,預計 3-6 個工作日送達;
離島地區,預計 4-7 個工作日送達。

預計 5-8 個工作日內可送達(暫不支持星期日及公眾假期配送務)。

購物滿HK$400即可免費享普通運輸服務 (香港郵政平郵) ,最快於兩個工作天内完成派遞 (星期六、星期日及公眾假期不計算在內) 。如有需要,可補運費升級為特快專遞服務,最快於一個工作天内完成派遞。

送貨服務時間和範圍以速遞公司為準。而貨物送達時, 請確定貨物之包裝或外箱完好, 並點算訂購數量是否相符。



順豐速運 (只限香港﹑澳門及中國內地) 條款連結: 

順豐運單條款和條件 (sf-express.com)

香港郵政 (其他國家) 條款連結: 




如您需更改送貨地址、日期及 / 或時間、加入額外購買貨品並要求一同送貨、或更改已購買的貨品,您須於送貨前最少24小時前致電職員(上午10時至下午10時,並不包括星期日及公眾假期)或經電子商店的指定方式聯絡我們作出安排。




Delivery within Hong Kong, Macau & China and order over HKD 150 will have free delivery service. If the order finished ordering and payment before 6:00pm, we may be able to deliver on next day (Except Sat, Sun and Public Holiday).

Estimated Delivery Time within Hong Kong:
The commercial and industrial areas: Expected to be delivered around 3-6 working days after the order is placed;
The outlying islands: Expected to be delivered around 4-7 working days after the order is placed;
Please refer to below schedule for individual Outlying Islands:
Lamma Island: Tuesday & Friday
Cheung Chau: Monday & Thursday
Peng Chau: Wednesday & Saturday

Estimated Delivery Time within Macau & China:
Estimated no later than 5-8 business days (Sunday & public holidays delivery is not support currently).

Order over HKD 400 will have free normal postage service (Hong Kong Post Ordinary Packet), and delivery can be completed within two working day at the earliest. (Except Sat, Sun and Public Holiday).If necessary, you can upgrade to express delivery service (Hong Kong Post SpeedPost) by paying extra fee for shipping, and delivery can be completed within one working day at the earliest.

The delivery schedule will follow 3rd party delivery company's standard. When the goods is delivered to you, please check the packaging and carton box is in good condition, and the quantity is correct.

When the goods arrived to 3rd party delivery company the responsibiltiy of the goods will be own by customer.


SF Express (Only for Hong Kong, Macau & China) terms and condition on delivery:

順豐運單條款和條件 (sf-express.com)

For other countries, please check with Hong Kong Post Office:



We will adjust the delivery schedule if the payment by credit card has delay in confirmation. Entsuki Coffee is not responsible for the loss due to the delayed delivery from above.


If the order has changes in address, date / time, or request new item and would like to deliver together, or there is changes in item / quantity, you have to contact our staff 24 hours before delivery. (Office hour: 10:00am to 10:00pm, except Sat, Sun and Public Holiday).


If there is issue on delivery due to security guard approval of entrance to the permise, Entsuki Coffee has the right to ask customer to take the goods from our store, and not arrange delivery. If there is any dispute, Entsuki Coffee reserve the right for final decision.