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Hario 陶作坊 老岩泥01濾杯 五次燒限量版 炎焱 Hario v60 01 Dripper 5 times fired old rock mud


定價 MOP$953.00



  • 原始樸拙親和的外表下,有著千變萬化質感,經高溫淬火,色澤呈現窯變的拙趣,渾厚質樸,隱約現出匠師們手捏的印記。
  • 富含礦石即石英土坯,經高溫氧化還原燒製,具類似麥飯石結構活性炭質,使水質滑順,品飲口感格外甘醇甜美。
  • 呈現顆粒狀的胎質,散熱慢,聚溫性比陶與瓷更勝一籌。


  • 採用圓錐刑設計,不影響咖啡粉末的膨脹
  • 大口徑圓孔,隨著注入的熱水速度而改變咖啡的味道
  • 快速注入開水時咖啡口味清淡,慢慢注入時口味濃厚
  • 能把咖啡粉末堆高的圓錐形結構,使咖啡的香氣充分得到釋放。既能泡出專業水平的美味咖啡,製作起來又很簡單


Old rock mud material

  • Under the original, simple and friendly appearance, there are ever-changing textures. After high-temperature quenching, the color and luster presents the clumsy taste of the kiln, thick and simple, faintly showing the imprints of the craftsmen.
  • Rich in ore, that is, quartz adobe, after high-temperature redox firing, it has an activated carbon structure similar to medical stone, making the water smooth, and the taste of drinking is particularly mellow and sweet.
  • Granular tire quality, slow heat dissipation, better temperature gathering than pottery and porcelain.

Feature of product:

  • The conical pendent design does not affect the expansion of the coffee powder
  • Large-diameter round hole, which changes the taste of coffee with the speed of hot water injected
  • The coffee tastes light when pouring boiling water quickly, and the taste is strong when pouring slowly
  • The conical structure that can pile up the coffee powder makes the aroma of the coffee fully released. Brew professional-quality gourmet coffee that's easy to make


品名 Name V60老岩泥五次燒01濾杯 

Hario v60 01 Dripper

品號 Code VDCR-01-BR5
容量 Volume 1~2杯 / 1-2 Cup
材質 Material 老岩泥 Old rock mud material
產地 Origin 台灣製造 Taiwan
箱入數 Box Qty 40
尺寸 Size 長 Length 119×寬 Width 100×高 Height 82 口徑 Diameter 95 mm
重量 Weight 300g