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PangManson 張貼

請留意以下出貨時間﹕HKTVMALL 2/10-7/10期間 暫停出貨網頁/PINKOI下單 30/9後下單 8/10出貨大家可到零售點購貨🛒📍LCX Xplus﹕尖沙咀海港城海運大廈三階LCX

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Pink Desserts 粉紅甜點 2024

PangManson 張貼

今年夏天,最甜蜜的義賣活動「粉紅甜點2024」再次來襲! 活動將於8月中旬至10月舉行。在Entsuki Coffee購買指定粉紅甜點,銷售收入的20% 及100% 代收的直接捐款,將捐贈給香港遺傳性乳腺癌家譜中心,為患有遺傳性乳腺癌、卵巢癌和前列腺癌的高風險家庭提供免費基因檢測、諮詢服務和臨床服務。 The sweetest charity sale campaign “Pink Desserts 2024” is here again this summer! The campaign will be held from mid-Aug to October this year. With every purchase of designated Pink Desserts at Entsuki Coffee, 20% of the sales proceeds & 100% of the donation amount will be donated to Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry in order to provide families with high risks of hereditary breast, ovarian and prostate cancer with free genetic testing, counselling and clinical services.   義賣產品介紹 Charity Sale Product 每盒4個咖啡掛耳包 粉紅貓貓咖啡掛耳包,來自哥倫比亞的咖啡豆,SCA83.5分🏆精品咖啡。 選用獨家風味《哥倫比亞特級17/18目阿拉比卡》,打開包裝,陣陣🍮焦糖味,沖泡後,第一段品嚐到堅果🌰,中段甜蜜🍯嘅味道記得唔好錯過,最後係柑桔🍊嘅微酸,味道豐富。 4bags per box Pink Cat cartoon drip bag...

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中秋花好月圓夜﹗🌝🌚 有冇諗過可以嘆住咖啡☕️👨‍👩‍👧‍👧嘗月呢﹗

PangManson 張貼

🎋緣月咖啡🎋經典《中秋卡通掛耳包》已經上架喇﹗🥰 我地繼續選用💞 獨家風味《哥倫比亞特級17/18目阿拉比卡》。SCA83.5分精品咖啡🪙,打開包裝,陣陣焦糖味🍭,沖泡後,第一段品嚐到堅果🌰,中段甜蜜🍯嘅味道記得唔好錯過,最後係柑桔🍊嘅微酸,味道豐富。💦今個中秋約定了﹗📍屯門總店📍尖沙咀海港城XPLUS📲HKTVmall♧Pinkoi🛒 #entsukicoffee #緣月咖啡 #coffee #咖啡 #99commons #harbourcity #咖啡掛耳包 #openrice #deliveroo #戶戶送 #中秋節禮盒 #掛耳包訂制

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